As part of the Scientific Area, reporting organically and functionally to the Director, the High Sensitivity Radio-Purity Researcher position holder, will carry out, among others, the following tasks:

  • Develop the high-sensitivity radio purity research line, keeping the capabilities and characteristics of the instrumentation in the underground laboratory up to date.
    In this regard, the researcher will hold the following responsibilities:

    • Supervision and management of LSC research activities on ultra-low radioactive particle detectors.
    • Supervision and management of the use and operation of facilities based on high sensitivity radio purity detectors.
    • Supervision and management of the use and operation of the high purity Germanium detectors facilities at the Underground Laboratory.
    • Creation and implementation of protocols for access and use of the equipment.
    • Development, fine-tuning and standardisation of the instrumentation in the installation.
    • In coordination with the laboratory’s technical team:
      • Collaborate in the provision of services to LSC users and technical advice on the use and applications of usable and appropriate instrumental techniques, providing support in the services. To advise, when required, in the drafting of reports and, where appropriate, co-sign them with the Director.
      • Comply with good laboratory safety practices.
      • Collaborate in the efficiency and continuous improvement of the Laboratory.
      • Participate in the Laboratory’s training, outreach and advisory programmes.
  • Scientific publications: Articles on SCI magazines, non-SCI, books, chapters.
  • Management and/or participation in competitive and singular projects in public or private calls for proposals, and/or contracts. Fundraising of external resources to support and increase its line of research.
  • Training and development of research staff in training, supervision of doctoral theses and master’s theses, tutorials, participation in master’s degrees and university staff training courses.
  • Scientific outreach of research: participation in conferences, organisation of congresses, workshops, events.
  • Collaboration in the international projection of the Centre: through collaborations with prestigious Centres, integration in international networks.
  • Support to the Centre’s infrastructure, open to the scientific, technological and industrial community.
  • In general, to provide support and ease the Director’s supervision tasks.
  • Other tasks within his/her field or, where appropriate, within his/her professional group, which are necessary to achieve the objectives of the position, the Laboratory and the Centre.

Type of contract: Unlimited duration.

The gross annual salary will be, commensurate with experience and qualifications, between 36,046 and 38,371 euros gross per year, with the possibility of a variable supplement of up to 15%. In addition, where applicable, a transport allowance of 114 euros/month is established.

Candidate requirements:

Applicants must have the following qualifications by the closing date for the submission of applications:

  • Education: Doctorate in Physics or closely related to the field of the position.
  • Experience: A minimum of 2 years of effective postdoctoral experience is required, within the last ten years, in a position with the same or similar content in the field of the functions indicated in the previous section in public and private research, technological, university, R&D&I or similar centres.
  • Languages: A high level of spoken and written English is essential (equivalent to B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
    Should Spanish not be the mother tongue, the level of knowledge of Spanish required will be at least equivalent to B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Computer skills: High level of office automation.
  • Competences:
    • Planning and organisation.
    • Ability to work in a team.
    • Proactivity.
    • Responsibility.
    • Learning capacity.
    • Flexibility and adaptability to change.
    • Communication skills.
  • Nationality:
    Have Spanish nationality or the nationality of any of the nationals of other Member States of the European Union.
    Whatever their nationality, the spouse of Spanish nationals and of nationals of other Member States of the European Union, provided that they are not separated by law, and their descendants and those of their spouse, provided that they are not separated by law, when they are under the age of twenty-one or dependent over the age of twenty-one.
    Persons included in the scope of application of the International Treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain, in which the free movement of workers is applicable.
    Foreigners who are not included in the above paragraphs but are legally resident in Spain.

Those interested should send: As indicated in section 4 of the conditions published on the Consortium’s website: (

  1. Curriculum vitae detailing training and experience. The courses and other merits claimed must be duly justified at the time of application. Otherwise, they will not be taken into account.
  2. Report on the scientific interests and research activity to be carried out at the LSC (max 2 pages) including the compatibility with the support required for the laboratory services.
  3. Two letters of reference.
  4. Employment report issued by the Social Security Treasury or equivalent certificate for foreigners.
  5. National ID card or passport.
  6. Doctorate qualification.

For the attention of the Head of Human Resources of the LSC Consortium, indicating the reference of the post applied for, by e-mail to

Deadline: 15 October 2024 at 18:00 hours.

Recruitment process: Competitive examination with knowledge test, assessment of CV and personal interview.

All applications received will be treated confidentially.

Candidates are responsible for the veracity of the information given in their CV.

In the following link you can download the document with the Bases and Criteria of the selection process: Bases and Criteria of the Call for Bids.