The goal of the Cryogenic Rare-event Observatory with Surface Sensitivity (CROSS) is the development of a technology capable of investigating lepton number violation and the nature of neutrino with unprecedented sensitivity, by searching for neutrinoless double beta decay (0ν2β) of two promising isotopes (100Mo and 130Te) with the bolometric approach. The CROSS key idea is to provide the bolometric detection technique – ideally tailored to the study of this rare nuclear transition as it features high energy resolution, large efficiency and wide flexibility in the detector material choice – with an additional decisive characteristic: an effective pulse-shape-discrimination (PSD) capability, enabling the rejection of events from surface radioactive impurities and other background-inducing phenomena. This new detector property will pave the way to bolometric experiments with background levels so low – less than 0.5 counts/y in 1 tonne of isotope in the region of interest (ROI) – to make possible future large searches penetrating in prospects the direct-ordering region of the neutrino masses.