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3008, 2024

New acquisition of a water tank for physics experiments

By |30 August, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals, News|Comments Off on New acquisition of a water tank for physics experiments

The LSC has acquired a tank with a capacity of 40 tons of water, intended for large-scale physics experiments. For the next two years, this tank will remain at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)...

1308, 2024

Implosion tests of the PMTs of the HK telescope in collaboration with PLOCAN

By |13 August, 2024|Categories: Events, Events 2024, Featured, Generals, News|Comments Off on Implosion tests of the PMTs of the HK telescope in collaboration with PLOCAN

El LSC sigue adelante con su campaña de tests de implosión para validar las cubiertas protectoras de los sensores del futuro telescopio de neutrinos HK. Debido a las crecientes exigencias de trabajo, la séptima campaña se ha realizado, por primera vez, en la ICTS PLOCAN (Gran Canaria)...

2607, 2024

R&D&i on Radon Workshop

By |26 July, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|Comments Off on R&D&i on Radon Workshop

From 11 to 13 November, the LSC will host a workshop dedicated to R&D&I on radon at its facilities. The main objective is to bring together the different groups that have developed and are developing research projects on this topic in Spain, together with some national and European experts. The aim is to encourage scientific exchange and promote future projects that generate new knowledge and offer solutions that benefit society as a whole. Registration is now open and all the information available at

1907, 2024

Bio Platform: experiment “DNA damage in yeast in low background radiation”

By |19 July, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|Comments Off on Bio Platform: experiment “DNA damage in yeast in low background radiation”

During the week of July 15, the first round of the PB-08-23: "DNA damage in yeast in low background radiation" was carried out. The aim of this experiment is to study the effects of low background radiation (LRB) on the stability of the mitochondrial DNA of S. cerevisiae (yeast) and on the enzymatic reactions involved in cellular respiration. In the upcoming rounds, the number of generations exposed to the LBR will be increased.

1107, 2024

Preliminary 6-year exposure ANAIS-112 results

By |11 July, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|Comments Off on Preliminary 6-year exposure ANAIS-112 results

IDM2024 Conference: Preliminary 6-year exposure ANAIS-112 results on dark matter annual modulation. Iván Coarasa (University of Zaragoza) presented the preliminary results of 6 years of ANAIS-112 data on dark matter annual modulation at the IDM2024 conference in L’Aquila, Italy.

807, 2024

Alfa magazine “sneaks into” the LSC

By |8 July, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|Comments Off on Alfa magazine “sneaks into” the LSC

Alfa, la revista de seguridad nuclear y protección radiológica del Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN), dedica su portada al Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc, manteniéndose fiel a su espíritu de promover el conocimiento científico y tecnológico de forma accesible y sencilla. Enlace:

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