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3011, 2021

29th LSC Scientific Committee Meeting

By |30 November, 2021|Categories: Events 2021|Comments Off on 29th LSC Scientific Committee Meeting

The Scientific Advisory Committee is composed of scientist of international reputation. It gives advice on experimental proposals and monitors the progress of the approved experiments. On this meeting, the experiments BabyIAXO and JASC presented their activities during the last year. DAMIC and ARQ proposals also presented a report and [...]

1211, 2021

Master in Physics of the Universe

By |12 November, 2021|Categories: Events 2021|Comments Off on Master in Physics of the Universe

On 11 and 12 November 2021, LSC staff gave two laboratory practices for the ‘Master in Physics of the Universe’ of the University of Zaragoza. The first day was a practice with the muon telescope and the second day was devoted to gamma spectrometry with germanium and sodium iodide [...]

1011, 2021

X International Cosmic Day

By |10 November, 2021|Categories: Events 2021|Comments Off on X International Cosmic Day

One more year the LSC contributed to the celebration of the “X International Cosmic Day” together with the high schools of Jaca I.E.S. Domingo Miral and I.E.S. Pirineos. Students from both schools carried out several activities with our muon telescopes. It ended with a videoconference with other students from [...]

2610, 2021

BIO Retreat

By |26 October, 2021|Categories: Events 2021|Comments Off on BIO Retreat

The LSC held a “BIO-Retreat” given that, as part of its strategic plan, it has initiated the biology research area in the underground laboratory where the implications of low radiation on biological processes will be explored. Experts in Virology, Biochemistry, Mathematics and Physics from centres in Valencia, Madrid and [...]

3009, 2021


By |30 September, 2021|Categories: Generals|Comments Off on BIOLOGY BRINGS MORE LIFE TO THE LSC

New installations underground, a lead castle to host experiments in a reduced gamma background and the microbiology laboratory to prepare and manipulate samples, will be ready to host experiments that explore the striking impact of life in absence of cosmic rays since 2022.

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