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Press reviews2018-11-21T17:58:04+01:00
2508, 2021

New additions to the LSC

By |25 August, 2021|Categories: Generals|Comments Off on New additions to the LSC

Rebecca Hernandez Antolin recently joined the LSC staff as a biochemistry technician for setting up the new biolab underground and to also provide local support to the research groups exploring the impact of low radioactivity in life. Likewise, the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) has seconded Jorge Pelegrin Mosquera, [...]

2306, 2021

New crystals in CROSS

By |23 June, 2021|Categories: Generals|Comments Off on New crystals in CROSS

Six new bolometers have been installed these days in the dilution refrigerator. Among them, the new CROSS lithium molybdate crystal contains a superconducting palladium-aluminium grille on five of its faces with a light detector on the sixth, with the technological challenge of separating beta decays on the surface from [...]

1006, 2021

Quantum computing meets ultralow background underground experiments

By |10 June, 2021|Categories: Generals|Comments Off on Quantum computing meets ultralow background underground experiments

The experimental proposal ArQ (Abatement of Radioactivity for Qubits) and members of the CROSS experiment collaboration have met at the LSC to discuss the influence of cosmic rays in supercomputing qubits.

1205, 2021

Publication on CROSS prototypes’ results

By |12 May, 2021|Categories: Generals|Comments Off on Publication on CROSS prototypes’ results

Results on beta-particle surface sensitivity achieved with the LSC’S ‘CROSS’ experiment prototypes at IJCLab have been published by Applied Physics Letters. The article has been chosen as an "Editor's pick"; and advertised by a special communication named "Scilight". You can read them at the following links: [...]

2904, 2021

Copper, copper, copper

By |29 April, 2021|Categories: Generals|Comments Off on Copper, copper, copper

The structural component closest to the active detection system in LSC experiments is copper. A large LSC team is completing the procurement of ultra-pure copper, screening by gamma spectrometry (HPGe) and mass spectrometry (ICPMS) and radiopurity improvement by electroforming (EFCu).

904, 2021

Launch of the LSC’s new quarterly Newsletter

By |9 April, 2021|Categories: Generals|Comments Off on Launch of the LSC’s new quarterly Newsletter

The LSC launches its new Newsletter that will be published quarterly. This newsletter will include the most relevant news from the laboratory during that period. You can subscribe to receive it at the following email address:

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