

October 2024

Bio Platform: experiment “Multicellular structure formation in response to low level background radiation”

By |14 October, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|

After 6 months at the LSC, the first experiment with Sphaeroforma arctica, a single-celled organism related to animals, has been completed. The objective of this group is to study the origin of multicellularity, and for this purpose, the growth and morphology of both above and underground cultures have been evaluated. In the next phases, genetic analysis of frozen samples will be carried out to deepen our findings. We continue to make progress!

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Reunion at the XVI Communication and School Forum

By |7 October, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|

Pipo Bayo and Beatriz Hernández reunited with the students who participated in the 1st LSC Scientific Classroom for ESO students in 2023. The event took place on October 3rd at IES Elisa y Luis Villamil in Vegadeo (Asturias). During the session, they gave a talk on the origin of matter in the Universe and led a hands-on activity on natural radiation.

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Participation in the workshop Low Radioactivity Techniques 2024

By |4 October, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|

The Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT2024) workshop was held in Krakow (Poland) from 1 to 4 October. The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss low-radioactivity techniques and materials that are fundamental for rare-event experiments. Our colleagues Laura Cid and Silvia Borjabad presented the latest developments and results of the ‘Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)’ and ‘Copper Electroforming’ services of the LSC.

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August 2024

New acquisition of a water tank for physics experiments

By |30 August, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals, News|

The LSC has acquired a tank with a capacity of 40 tons of water, intended for large-scale physics experiments. For the next two years, this tank will remain at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)...

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Implosion tests of the PMTs of the HK telescope in collaboration with PLOCAN

By |13 August, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals, News|

El LSC sigue adelante con su campaña de tests de implosión para validar las cubiertas protectoras de los sensores del futuro telescopio de neutrinos HK. Debido a las crecientes exigencias de trabajo, la séptima campaña se ha realizado, por primera vez, en la ICTS PLOCAN (Gran Canaria)...

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July 2024

R&D&i on Radon Workshop

By |26 July, 2024|Categories: Featured, Generals|

From 11 to 13 November, the LSC will host a workshop dedicated to R&D&I on radon at its facilities. The main objective is to bring together the different groups that have developed and are developing research projects on this topic in Spain, together with some national and European experts. The aim is to encourage scientific exchange and promote future projects that generate new knowledge and offer solutions that benefit society as a whole. Registration is now open and all the information available at

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