Publications in refereed journals:

Background model for a NaI (Tl) detector devoted to dark matter searches, S. Cebrián, C
Cuesta, J. Amaré, S. Borjabad, D. Fortuño, E. García, C. Ginestra, H. Gómez, M. Martínez, M.A.
Oliván, Y. Ortigoza, A. Ortiz de Solórzano, C. Pobes, b, J. Puimedón, M.L. Sarsa, J.A. Villara,
Astroparticle Physics, Volume 37 September 2012 Páginas 60‐69

Conference Proceedings:

TITLE: ANAIS Status Report
AUTHORS: C Pobes, J Amaré, S Cebrián, C Cuesta, E García, H Gómez, J Morales, Y Ortigoza, A Ortiz de Solórzano, J Puimedón, A Rodríguez, M L Sarsa and J.A. Villar
REF. JOURNAL: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 203 (2010) 012044 (Editors: E. Coccia, L. Pandola, N. Fornengo, R. Aloisio). Proceedings of TAUP 2009 Conference held in Rome, July 2009

AUTHORS: J Amaré, S Borjabad, S Cebrián, C Cuesta, D Fortuño, E García, C Ginestra, H Gómez, M Martínez, M A Oliván, Y Ortigoza, A Ortiz de Solórzano, C Pobes, J Puimedón, M L Sarsa and J A Villar
REF. JOURNAL: Proceedings of Science, SISSA. Proceedings of IDM2010 Conference held in Montpellier, July 2010.Reference: PoS(IDM2010)020

Oral/Poster presentations at conferences:

Congreso: International School on Astroparticle Physics: Multimessenger approach to Astroparticle Physics, University of Zaragoza. Zaragoza, Spain, 13.22 July 2010.
Poster contribution
TITLE: Low energy events in ANAIS prototype
PONENT: C. Cuesta on behalf of ANAIS Collaboration

Congreso: 4ª Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores (Química y Física) de Aragón, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain), 18 October 2010
Poster contribution
TITLE: Low energy events in ANAIS prototype
PONENT: C. Cuesta on behalf of ANAIS Collaboration

Congreso: 39th International meeting on Fundamental Physics (IMPF 2011). Canfranc, Spain, 7‐11 February 2011
Poster contribution
TITLE: Low energy events in ANAIS prototype
PONENT: C. Cuesta on behalf of ANAIS Collaboration

Congress: EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI 2011), European Photon & neutron Science Campus. Grenoble, France, 15‐22 May 2011
Poster contribution
TITLE: ANAIS: Direct Dark Matter detection with NaI(Tl) scintillators
PONENT: C. Cuesta on behalf of ANAIS Collaboration

Congress: 12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2011). Munich, Germany, 5‐9 September 2011
Oral contribution
TITLE: 2011.Update on the ANAIS experiment. ANAIS‐0 prototype results at the new Canfranc
Underground Laboratory
SPEAKER: C. Cuesta on behalf of the ANAIS Collaboration

Invited talks:

Congress: 39th International meeting on Fundamental Physics (IMPF2011). Canfranc, Spain, 7‐11 February 2011
TITLE: ANAIS Dark Matter Experiment
SPEAKER: C.Pobes on behalf of ANAIS Collaboration

Congress: 4th MultiDark Consolider Workshop, Madrid, April 2011
TITLE: DM Searches at Canfranc: ANAIS and ROSEBUD
SPEAKER: M.L. Sarsa on behalf of the ANAIS and ROSEBUD Collaborations

Internal notes:

STATUS REPORT OF ANAIS (EXP‐01) for the LSC Scientific Advisory Committee, March 2010

PROGRESS REPORT OF ANAIS (EXP‐01‐2008) for the LSC Scientific Advisory Committee, September 2010

PROGRESS REPORT OF ANAIS (EXP‐01‐2008) for the LSC Scientific Advisory Committee, May 2011

PROGRESS REPORT OF ANAIS (EXP‐01‐2008) for the LSC Scientific Advisory Committee, November 2011

Theses and Dissertations:

One PhD Thesis about ANAIS in progress (C. Cuesta).

For links to the publications go to the experiment’s web:



Publications of the ANAIS Experiment
