

Pushing the sensitivity with the new ICP-MS-QQQ in the clean room underground

The LSC acquired a new triple quadrupole ICP-MS/MS, which was installed inside the Clean Room in our underground facilities. The ICP-MS equipment (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer) provides elemental information, either by qualitative, semi-quantitative and/or quantitative analysis, by ionising samples in an Argon plasma generated at atmospheric pressure.

2023-08-18T12:11:48+02:0018 August, 2023|Featured, Generals|


El LSC ha celebrado la primera Aula Científica para estudiantes de 2º de la ESO, en el marco del Foro de Comunicación y Escuela, organizado por el Principado de Asturias en la cual, 46 alumnos de 5 institutos de Asturias han convivido con 15 alumnos de Jaca con un programa científico diseñado a su medida.

2023-05-12T13:57:05+02:0012 May, 2023|Featured, Generals|

Collaboration ICTS SOCIB – LSC Project @HyperKamiokande

Between 13 and 17 February, the Balearic Islands Coastal Observation and Forecasting System (ICTS SOCIB) placed the Oceanographic Vessel B/O SOCIB at the disposal of the LSC. This collaboration between the two institutions has made it possible to validate the resistance to underwater implosion of the light sensors of the Hyper-Kamiokande international neutrino telescope in the bay of Palma, Mallorca.

2023-04-27T09:40:38+02:0023 February, 2023|Featured, Generals|
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