

March 2025

Scientific Day for high school students

28 March, 2025|Featured, Generals|

On March 26, the LSC held its Science Day for the second year in a row, welcoming students from the 2nd year of Bachillerato from schools in Jaca. Throughout the day, students took part in various workshops and learned about key techniques used at the LSC, such as copper electroforming and gamma spectroscopy. As in the previous edition, the day concluded with a visit to our underground facilities.

LSC Seminars: “Empowering the Next Generation of Neutrino Experiments with the Water Cherenkov Test Experiment”

21 March, 2025|Featured, Generals|

Nicholas Prouse, a researcher at Imperial College London , presented in his seminar the Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE), which began collecting data at the end of 2024 in the CERN T9 beam. The data collected by WCTE will be used to improve pion reconstruction in water Cherenkov detectors and to analyze interaction cross-sections using a known particle flux. The results of this experiment will have a direct impact on Super-K, T2K, and Hyper-K.

LSC participates in The Wave 2025 in Zaragoza

20 March, 2025|Featured, Generals|

On March 19, the LSC participated in The Wave conference, held at the Zaragoza Conference Center, where we conducted a workshop on radon, given the national interest in this topic and our expertise in its air monitoring and the measurement of its emanation in materials. In its second edition, The Wave brought together experts and companies for three days to explore how to transform technology into a real competitive advantage.

New Participation of LSC in the TRANSFIERE Forum in Málaga

14 March, 2025|Featured, Generals|

From March 12 to 14, the LSC participated in TRANSFIERE, Spain's most important R&D&I fair, held in Málaga. This forum connects the entire Spanish innovation ecosystem and boosts its international projection, promoting the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge. Together with 11 other ICTS, we showcased the services we offer, reaffirming our commitment to maximizing the impact of research on society.

February 2025

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

11 February, 2025|Featured, Generals|

Like every year, the LSC joins the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day dedicated to highlighting the essential contributions of women to the scientific and technological community. We remain committed to promoting education in equality and increasing the visibility of women in science. Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science to all!

January 2025

New implosion tests of the PMTs covers of the Hyper-Kamiokande telescope in collaboration with SOCIB

31 January, 2025|Featured, Generals|

Last week, the eighth implosion test campaign was successfully completed to validate the protective covers of the sensors for the future HK neutrino telescope. Over three weeks, a team of 15 researchers from LSC, DIPC, UdG, and Japanese institutions conducted the tests at the SOCIB facilities in Palma. A total of six tests were carried out, confirming that the cover prototype can contain an implosion in case of failure. One step closer to ensuring the safety of the 22,000 eyes of HK.

December 2024

The LSC wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

20 December, 2024|Featured, Generals|

The LSC wraps up another year filled with neutrinos, dark matter, and microorganisms competing for survival in low-radiation environments. We’re gearing up for a 2025 full of new challenges and exciting discoveries. Before we go, here’s a challenge for you: Could you guess what our Christmas tree is made of? Hint: In 2025, we'll continue safeguarding the 20,000 eyes of Hyper-Kamiokande.

New hydrostatic tests of the PMTs covers of the Hyper-Kamiokande telescope in collaboration with ITP

12 December, 2024|Featured, Generals|

Last week, a new campaign of hydrostatic tests was completed to validate the protective covers of the sensors for the future HK neutrino telescope. A team from the LSC traveled to the ITP facilities in Mòra d’Ebre (Tarragona) to carry out this campaign. In total, six covers were tested to evaluate their resistance to hydrostatic pressure based on the contact surface and the morphology of the steel cover and the acrylic dome.

November 2024

LSC Seminars: “N-body simulations and their application to Cosmology”

29 November, 2024|Featured, Generals|

Carmelita Carbone, a researcher at IASF-Milano and a member of the EUCLID collaboration, presented the high-resolution DEMNUni cosmological simulations she developed, integrating massive neutrinos into the cosmological model. Cosmological simulations are essential tools for unraveling the mysteries of the Universe, providing key insights into its origin, evolution, and composition.

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