Publications in refereed journals:

The mass of the particles, A. Bettini La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 32 (2009) 295-337

Conference Proceedings:

Underground laboratories, A. Bettini. J. Phys., Conf. Ser. 120 (2008) 082001

The nature and the mass of neutrinos. Majorana vs. Dirac, A. Bettini, in International school of subnuclear physics, 46th course (2008), “Predicted and totally unexpected in the energy frontier opened by LHC” edited by A. Zichichi. Pag. 451-467. World Scientific 2011

Status of dark matter and neutrino physics, A. Bettini, in International school of subnuclear physics, 47th course (2009), “The most unexpected at LHC and the status of the high energy frontier” edited by A. Zichichi. World Scientific” edited by A. Zichichi. World Scientific

The mass of the particles, A. Bettini. Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”; Course CLXX – “Measurements of Neutrino Mass” Società Italiana di Fisica; IOS Press 2009. Pag. 105-140

Summary and outlook, A. Bettini in Proceedings of the “Workshop on Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope (VLVnT2009)”. NIM A 626-627 Suppl. (2011) S1-S5

Underground laboratories, A. Bettini in Proceedings of the “Workshop on Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope (VLVnT2009)”. NIM A 626-627 Suppl. (2011) S64-S68

Invited talks:

A Surprising Universe, A. Bettini. Colloquium at the Saragossa University. December 2008

Dark matter searches, A. Bettini. NURT09. Havana, Cuba, 9-12 February 2009

Underground physics, A. Bettini. ISAPP. International School on AstroParticle Physics. Multimessenger approach in astroparticle physics. Saragossa. 13-22 July 2010

Underground physics, A. Bettini. XXXIX International Meeting on Fundamental Physics. Canfranc. 7-11 February 2011

Perspectives of underground physics, A. Bettini. XXIX Workshop on Recent Advances in Particle Physics and Cosmology. Patras, Greece.14-16 April 2011

Perspectives of underground physics, A. Bettini. Colloquium at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. April 2011

Perspectives of underground physics, A. Bettini. XV International Baksan School “Particles and Cosmology”.
Troitsk, Russia. 26 May – 2 June 2011

Perspectives of underground physics, A. Bettini. Italian Physical Society International School of Physics Enrico Fermi. CLXXXI Course and ISAPP. International School on AstroParticle Physics The neutrino physics and astrophysics. Varenna, Italy. 26 July – 5 August 2011

World underground physics laboratories, A. Bettini. 12th Internatonal Congress on Rock Mechanics. Beijing. China. 18-21 October 2011

The Origin and Status of the Third Neutrino, A. Bettini. International Symposium on Subnuclear Physics: Past, Present and Future. The Pontificial Academy of Sciences. Casina Pio IV. Vatican City. 30 October – 2 November 2011.

Direct search. Experimental, A. Bettini. IDPASC Dark Matter School Evora, Portugal. 14-18 December 2011

Underground laboratories worldwide, A. Bettini. Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Research Association (DuRA) 2nd Meeting. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory – Batavia, Illinois – USA 19-20 January 2012



General publications of the LSC
